“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th

Today I feel hungry. I feel weak and my body aches. I feel nauseous and I want to workout. I'm still injured. Today I start treatment at the hospital. I'll update this later.

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28th - part 2

I realize now that without food my metabolism will slow down and i'll end up gaining weight. I don't want that. So that causes more anxiety. Rather than starving i need to work for this. How much food? When and what can i eat? I'm a bad anorectic. I feel fat. I need the reassurance. 

May 28th - part 1

I'm Dominic Albano. I am 17 years old. I am also gay. Which has nothing to do with anything. I just thought I would share. This is day one of this blog. I hope to share my story and struggle and get help through people with experience.I was diagnosed with anorexia last year. Sophomore year in high school. Then I found bodybuilding as a sport. Lift, run, and swimming on tuesdays and thursdays and anymore if i could fit it in to my schedule. I hated spinning classes but i had to take them. Also took BodyCombat and kickboxing. But as of February 2012 I got an overtraining injury which leaves me still injured almost 5 months later. I never liked the idea of starving myself. I was too hungry..then i would binge. But finding a sport that i love would keep me eating and building muscle. I gained 20 pounds in a week months - all muscle. Now i'm lost 10. Since i've been injured i stopped eating. I also am in the process of going vegan, because i want my bodyfat percentage to go down. Meat makes me anxious anyway. My body aches. Feels like a fucking nightmare i want to wake up from. Since the injury i've been going light on myself waiting to heal. Being lazy. I've been hospitalized  2 times and am receiving help from many specialists that just want my parents money anyway. Since me being released from the hospital 3 weeks ago I've been starving and being vegan. I'm so hungry. I started puking too. I was then rushed to the emergency room a few nights ago by my friends for taking too many diet pills. I was having bad heart palpitations, nausea, and shaking. Then started vomiting. I wouldn't stop until all the food i ate was gone and bile started coming up. I was hooked up to machines and tubes and my mother was called. Today is Memorial Day. I puked this morning after i ate what seemed like too much fucking food. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (3), granola bar, brown rice, tortilla chips and more refried beans. I puked then took diet pills. Why the fuck am i so hungry. I hate this feeling. I just want a perfect body. I wanna heal and go back to my training at the gym. I don't want to worry about losing my flat abs everytime i eat. Maybe it's me being a perfectionist and narcissistic and superficial, but it is more. It is my insecurity and desire for control. Control of the outcomes of my life. I didn't choose to be gay. I didn't choose to be born. I'm a fuck up and i'm afraid of too much. Fears which turn into anxiety and ocd and anger. Then the anger turns into a bipolar diagnosis. I am afraid of commitment and "gay" sex. I'm afraid to fall in love to get cheated on or hurt. It's not worth it but yet i crave intimacy and attention. I love being wanted. I turn all my confusions about God and death and homosexuality and hatred into a fear of obesity. I've always had a fear of fat. When i was a kid i'd see a fat person and think i don't want to be like that. Then i turned into a free spirited soul who didn't care. But when all my friends came back from summer break from freshmen year into sophomore year i noticed something. They had all gained weight. I didn't want to be the joke at someone elses lunch table about how i gained weight (which i didn't) but still i wanted to avoid that. That turned into an obsession and a fear. Now it's a thrill. Everytime i miss a meal i get excited. I love what it does to me. I love seeing my weight and body fat percentage decrease.